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solid wooden doors

Solid doors are a beautiful addition to any home, they give the impression of a quality and traditional feel that other door types cannot match. They are very sturdy and can withstand a lot of wear and tear from everyday use. Solid wood doors are also a good choice if you’re looking for a more energy efficient solution for your home, as they provide a much better level of insulation than their hollow or composite counterparts.

Solid wood doors are fully made from wood and may include glass or metal for decoration purposes. They are a great way to add style and character to your home, with many different styles and colours available to choose from. Solid wooden doors are generally more expensive than other types of door, however the cost can be offset by the durability and aesthetic they bring to your home.

Durability – Wood is a natural material that is durable against moisture and can resist a lot of damage. They can be sanded down and repainted to change their appearance as many times as you like, whereas a hollow door will only last for so long before it starts to look damaged or worn.

Security – Solid doors can help to keep intruders out of your home, they offer a lot more resistance than hollow or steel doors and can be made into very thick designs that make them more difficult for intruders to break through. They are often fitted with a lock that has extra security features, which can be beneficial if you’re worried about the safety of your family.

Insulation – Solid wood doors are much more effective at blocking sound than their hollow or composite counterparts and can be paired with draught excluders to further improve the efficiency of your house. They also help to block the flow of heat in the summer and prevent cold air from entering the house in winter.

Maintenance – Although they are generally easier to maintain than other types of doors, it is worth noting that solid wood doors will require more attention as they are a natural material and can react to changes in humidity and temperature. They are also more prone to warping, so should be treated with care to help them last longer.

Fitting – Solid wooden doors can be heavier and more awkward to fit than other types of door, so it is best to leave this work to professionals who specialise in fitting them. This can increase the overall cost of the project as it will be more labour intensive.

If you’re considering investing in a solid interior door for your home, we recommend taking the time to consider your options thoroughly. We’re confident you’ll find a design that suits your needs and perfectly complements the style of your property, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Our friendly team are always happy to help!