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wooden doors

Wooden doors provide a stylish, warm welcome to your home, and create a sense of artistry that can be uniquely yours. No other door offers the versatility, design options and return on investment that a wood door can bring to your home. JELD-WEN wooden doors are available in a variety of styles, colours and designs, offering a look that complements any style of house – from elegantly modern to comfortably traditional.

Whether you’re building or remodeling your home, the choice of door material is an important decision to make. Aside from ensuring security, it also sets the style and character of your space. With a wide array of options to choose from, the decision can be overwhelming. The article below will help you understand the benefits of choosing a wooden door, the factors to consider, and how to weigh aesthetics against security features.

A common misconception is that you have to paint wooden doors, but painting isn’t the only way to keep your wooden door looking great. In fact, a regular cleaning and staining will preserve the wood’s natural beauty for years to come, allowing it to stand out in its own right instead of being hidden under layers of paint.

Unlike other door materials, wooden doors are non-conductors of electricity and are safe to use for people with a history of electric shocks or those who need to baby-proof their home or office. Moreover, wooden doors are easy to cut and shape with simple hand tools making it easy to customize them to suit specific spaces.

Wooden doors are a good choice for people with allergies as they are naturally hypoallergenic and do not trap moisture or dust. Wooden doors can also provide a sound barrier between your home and the outside, keeping noises to a minimum and creating a comfortable atmosphere inside. In addition, wooden doors are insulators, so they can prevent the warmth in your home from escaping during the winter and will save you money on your energy bills.

When it comes to choosing the right wooden doors for your home, you’ll need to decide what look is best for your personal taste and budget. There are many different kinds of wood to choose from, and each has its own unique colour and grain pattern that can add a distinct style to your home. You’ll also need to think about how the color of your door will match with other elements of your home, such as the brick and stone.

The cost of a wooden door can vary widely depending on the type of wood, size, and design you choose. In general, however, they tend to be more expensive than other types of doors. They also require routine maintenance to look their best, which can be costly if not done properly. However, when you have a quality wood door that’s properly maintained, it will last for years to come and increase the value of your home.